Professional Dog Walking and Pet Sitting

Dog Walking

Delightful Dogs is excited to offer daily dog walking services! Contact us now for details via email or phone.

-15 minute potty break, free play, fresh water, and food (if needed) - $20

-30 minute walk around the neighborhood  - $25

(additional dog rates vary depending upon visit structure, please reach out for more info) 

Pet Sitting

-Cat Sitting includes one visit, refill of food/water, litter box cleaning, brushing/playtime.
- $25/day, (No charge for additional cat, + $10 for 2 daily visits.)

-Dog sitting includes evening potty, breakfast, morning potty, mid-day walk/potty, dinner
- $75/day (+ $10 each additional dog.) 

Pack Walks!!!!

Delightful Dogs is now offering monthly pack walks! 

These walks are a great way to work your dog among other people and dogs (using methods you are most comfortable with) with no pressure to interact. With a professional trainer nearby for support as needed, you can enjoy some fun, exercise, and training with your dog!! This walk is great for leash-reactive dogs who are ready for the challenge of working among other dogs but need a controlled experience with the guidance of a trainer. 

Reach out to us or find us on Facebook for updated Pack Walk info! 

Other Services!

Dog Walking! ~ We offer  weekday/weekend dog walks, feeding,  and/or potty breaks for dogs in our area. Reach out to get on the schedule!

Pet Sitting! ~  We proudly provide in home pet sitting for dogs, cats, and other animals. (experienced with horses too!)  Reach out for details!

Delightful Dogs Dog Training provides small group obedience classes for dogs who have already been trained in basic obedience (sit, down, watch me, leave it, come, etc.)  This fun, educational class, will help fine-tune basic obedience cues and focus more intensely on loose leash walking and heelwork!

 Email to sign up!

Space is limited!!!