Dog Training
Obedience Training, Socialization, Reactive Dog Classes, Puppy Classes and More!
New services are added regularly as we grow.
Private Dog Training Lessons
One-on-one sessions in and around the home. During these private dog training sessions, I help you teach basic dog obedience skills such as sit, down, stay, and more. I will provide you and your dog do your "homework" for you to practice to reach your training goals together. I also help address unwanted behaviors such as leash reactivity, pulling, barking, etc.
Group Dog Training Classes
Have more than one dog or wish to train with a friend? Talk to me about small group lessons. We also offer a variety of group dog and puppy obedience classes at various locations. We offer many different affordable dog training options to fit your needs.
Training Walks
Leash training a dog can be tough! Let me help him get in more practice. This service is like a typical dog walk, but better! I can take your pup on a 45 minutes training walk and fine tune his skills!
Puppy Training
Start your pup off right from the start! Socialization, potty training, body handling, and basic obedience are all essential parts of puppy training and I can help! In home puppy training and socialization in a private setting allows me to provide a personalized training for your family.
Dog Training Rates
- Initial Training Consultation
(45 minutes)- $50
-1 Private Training Session
(in-home approx. 1 hour) - $120
- Group Training (Classes happening at various locations - reach out for more info!)
-Virtual Training Sessions - $60 (must be able to Zoom or Facetime)
-Pack Walks - $10 per dog/person - limit 2
(space is limited and walks are limited to once a month)